Fallout 4 settlement raid mod
Fallout 4 settlement raid mod

That's, until now as you can simply skip any of that silly raiding and be friends with everyone in the wasteland again! Probably one of the few issues with Nuka World is the raiders, they force you to turn against those you previously worked with. Time for some ice cold Nuka Cola as you can now always create chilled Nuka Cola instead of having any troubles mixing up the most refreshing way to enjoy the wasteland's best soft beverage. Some of the weapons are quite fun in Nuka-World, time to get your hands on them with an array of colorful Nuka Cola themed weapons for ultimate fun. Be free to build whatever you'd like up there to make the place your own. Nuka-World could do for some settlement bases and with that you have one in the prime real estate located in The Fizz. The Nuka Girl suit is one of the most awesome things to come out of the DLC and with that you can wear

fallout 4 settlement raid mod fallout 4 settlement raid mod

With that here are the Top 5 Fallout 4 Nuka World mods available for download on PC or Xbox One.

fallout 4 settlement raid mod

While we're still early in the modding for this pack I feel that each of these brings something unique and useful to your game.

fallout 4 settlement raid mod

Fallout 4 has had a great share of mods though with the latest DLC I thought I'd find a collection of area specific mods in order to improve the lovely amusement park.

Fallout 4 settlement raid mod